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Dear contestant,

Thanks for your participation.

Your team account has been delivered to your coach. Please contact your coach to obtain team ID and password. If you have trouble to contact your coach, you may send a request email to We only accept the requests from registered email address.

You may download PC^2 client for TOPC, the test problemset, and the template of the guarantee letter to the contest committee on my Google Drive.

The encrypted problem description will also be posted to my Google Drive around 12:30 on Aug 15. The decryption key will be available on this homepage when contest is started (at 13:00 on Aug 15).

You may try to connect the judge system after 15:00 on Aug 14, and the test session will end at 12:00 on Aug 15. Your submissions will be judged during the period from 10:30 to 12:00 on Aug 15. If any of your team is not familiar with PC^2, you may find the official document of PC^2 judge system here.

It is our responsible to keep the integrity of the contest. Your coach will appoint a proctor to supervise your team to play fair during the contest. Before the contest begins, please print out the template of the guarantee letter, then read the rules on it. If you agree to abide by the rules, then write down your university, your team, and your name on the letter. After the contest, ask your coach to send an electronic copy of the letter to us ( from your coach's email registered on the ICPC Headquarter System. Without the guarantee letter, your team may not exercise the right to advance.

If you have any question, please don't hesitate to contact me via e-mail (

Best regards,

Min-Zheng Shieh

Chief Judge

2017 ACM-ICPC Asia Taiwan Programming Contest
